• Born February 24, 1860 in Farmington, New Hampshire
  • 1890 organized Vermont Fish and Game League, President and Secretary until 1902.
  • 1903 Chief of the Bureau of Fisheries.
  • 1903 & 1904 employed by Argentine Government explore country’s waters
  • After his services terminated with the Bureau of Fisheries he worked for a time in the state of New York as State Fish Culturist.
  • 1922 he was made Superintendent of the State Board of Fish and Game of the state of Connecticut.
  • 1924 spoke to Waterbury Fish and Game Club on the methods of protection and propagation of wildlife in Connecticut.
  • Developed “Connecticut Plan” leased fishing streams to the general public, and included public shooting lands.
  • 1930 as Superintendent of Connecticut Fisheries and Game he worked on plans for breeding pens of raccoons at Shade Swamp Sanctuary and other parts of the State.
  • Dies January 26, 1932, age 71.

