A task on this process included the gathering of information on the Shade Swamp Sanctuary. There is still more researching required. This is not a completed project.

A main issue was finding information on the connection with the CCC and WPA. I know from my sources, primary and secondary, that the CCC built the log and shingle shelter and groomed trails. The WPA built the cages and landscaped the grounds. The next step is to gather more information on the work done by them. The CCC camp, Camp Roberts of Thomaston worked on the shelter and trails of the sanctuary. Working with the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP), I will see what information can be gathered. Alan Levere is the contact at DEEP.

The Congressional Record will be reviewed for any Shade Swamp information.

CCC Museum will be visited for any CCC information.

Gerri Griswold is the Director of Administration and Development White Memorial Conservation Center in Litchfield. She helped with providing information on the creation of Shade Swamp from the Foundation’s 25th Anniversary book (1938). White Memorial provided land to Shade Swamp in the 1920s. A trip to White Memorial is planned to get more details on the connection with the Sanctuary.

There are people listed on this site. More research on them and others are planned for the future of this project. A complete picture, of this project, will provide a better picture of the history.

Other tasks are to have the Word press site available to the public. There is a history in this story, and I want to get this out to others. Beyond having the site to help this history, it would be good to restore the path, the Blue Trail of Shade Swamp. Maybe work with Farmington groups at first so walking tours can be possible.

The Shelter at Shade Swamp is a National Landmark, a historical building, ready to collapse. Research will be done to see how the shelter can be restored, if possible. Some goals are difficult, yet to publicize the history and have people see the actual Sanctuary, the story can live on. Working with Historical Societies, like Farmington are first steps.   


One thought on “CONCLUSION

  1. Christine

    Enjoyed reading about the history of the Shade Swamp. I didn’t realize something so historical was so close by. Perhaps add a map indicating where in the state of CT the Sanctuary is located. Thanks for sharing all the info.

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